British Hottie Says Hand in Pants Not Hard

Handling a serious issue in a light hearted manner, British pop star Rachel Stevens, on behalf of British male cancer awareness group Everyman, seductively asks men, in an online video called Rachel Gets Fruity, to keep a close eye on her and to put their hands down their pants. While the video, at first, might appear to be England's version of self gratification education, it's really just a sultry invitation for men to frequently, and, if possible, in a non-sexual manner, check out the family jewels for lumps or bumps which could be signs of testicular cancer. After instructing men how to handle their balls, Rachel says, "See, it's not that hard, is it?" Then, peering intriguingly down into the camera, Rachel realizes some things are always hard for a man and exclaims, "Oh, it is."
UPDATE: Mirror site here. Apparently, that hand in the pants thing got exciting.
The site is under water, probably from all the hits. Why spend the time and money putting out a great campaign and then not have mirror sites? It is like having a tv commercial that 'crashes' after too many households tune in.
Another mirror, if needed: