Australian Brewer Launches 'Freaking Huge Big Ad'

Australian brewer Carlton Draught, a division of Foster's, has created and amazingly different, brilliantly funny beer ad, called "It's A Big Ad," that, while poking fun at the beer ad category, and advertising in general, gets its message across quite effectively. If anything, it gets points for just being different.
The ad was filmed in New Zealand and produced in Australia by Plaza Films. Sydney-based Animal Logic, the company that worked on the Matrix movies, did the special effects. The agency was George Patterson Partners.
Shame that the url presents you with "your operating system isn't supported".
Its 2005 FFS.. hello?
You on a mac? Older OS? It is delivered using a non-standard video player, called Vividas, which did take a little while to download the first time. After that, it played instantly full screen.
Why people don't just use standard stuff is beyond me. You think they's want the widest group of people to see it.
Oh, the Vividas info window claims it supports Mac. Details here:
Nope -- Firefox on Linux - if they used flash or even quicktime or wmv I could (if I had the plugins installed) view it.
I don't think any ad is so good I want to find and install a plugin to see it.. except of course the Agent Provocateur Kylie ad, but of course I just used somebody elses machine to see what all the fuss was about :)
Either way don't you think this is a great ad?
You have to remember that most people will install a plug-in and not even think about it. Also if you get the link sent to you from a friend, you are likely to just open in no matter what.
Anyway I thought it was funny.
Wow. It's so big my web browser stalls while loading it. I don't see a page at all. "Oh well ... back to my Yuengling I go."
Funny. Although it's more a parody of that British Airways commercial of a few years ago than beer advertising. Still, it made me laugh, and in the beer category, that's a success.
Oh, that's going to be a big hit in the viral market.
no worries! - it works with Safari here (10.4.2)
an aussie ad powered by aussie streaming tech!
An Aussie ad shot in New Zealand using local New Zealand talent kirschan! Has a LOTR size about it too.
Its brilliant.
That just rocks!
Wait on...we've been sending up (ripping off?) movies for years in adland, but have we now started eating our own? This Big Ad is a big rip-off of British Airways and everyone knows it. ANd just who is the ad for? Adland ad addicts, or beer drinkers?
what is the piece of music in this ad? please help
Rip-off you say? Ever heard of 'parody'?
But anyway, I really started wondering about the BA ad. Did they use to have Massive back then? or just a massive amount of extras?
RIP-OFF, Mick you are a whining git... The ad is Awesome... Who cares if it a rip off, It's really clever... It does the job... What is the reason for having ad's??? To reach the target audience? I would say that this has. It is using a little bit of culture and alot of funny... So stick your ad bashing where it fits.
The Ad is Awesome
the piece of music is Carmina Burana
great ad- not only are they doing the british airways gag, but in Canada we have a horrible beer called rickards red, and one of their ads has a choir singing to the same tune about rickard's.."so rich so smooth, etc. etc." and it sucks, just like the beer, but this ad is just great...
The music is "O Fortuna" from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff
Here's a link to the video that still works: