Marijuana Advocacy Group to Launch Video Contest

It appears the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws is hopping on the consumer-created advertising wagon as indicated by this post in the group's Yahoo Group. The organization plans to launch a contest October 3 which offers a $5,000 prize for the person who submits the best, we assume, pro-marijuana video. Maybe the groups should also shoot for some product placement action on the now-popular Showtime series Weeds.
Hmmm... asking people to make videos that promote illegal activity. Nothing could possibly go wrong with this.
Hey... Bug off,
Remember its NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Legislation)so I doubt they are encouraging a who could do the biggest bong hit on video contest. Common sense tells me the contest has something to do with reforming marijuana laws or cool pro-legalization propaganda videos.
Jeez bug what were you high when you read this?
Any demonstration scenes?
Could someone help me turn this cam-corder on?
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