Flippies, Cenergy Launch Custom Flip Books for Sports Teams


has partnered with to market custom flip books to professional sports teams and organizations for use as marketing premiums. These custom books, called Fanimations, will be customized specifically for the needs of the teams and their corporate partners.

Originally invented in 1882 and recognized as one of the earliest forms of interactive multimedia, flip books create the optical illusion of motion when images - stacked in sequential stages of movement - are flipped.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (3)     File: Specialty     Oct-28-05  


Ha! This reminds me of the Hipster PDA.

Low tech is the new cutting edge, apparently.

Posted by: Max Leibman on October 29, 2005 02:58 AM

Steve, wasn't this a paying advertiser of yours?


Posted by: paidcontent on October 31, 2005 02:43 PM

Yes, Flippies is a paying advertiser. What's the point? Should normal news coverage for a company stop simply because they are an advertiser?

Posted by: Steve Hall on October 31, 2005 08:16 PM

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