Freakish Appendage Horrifies, Sells Shoes

There's always been something seriously off putting about scenes in which people are tied to a bed for sexual purposes. While some freaks think it's erotic to be completely under the control of another, we think it's just plain stupid to put oneself in such a position of helplessness. That said, the power of sex always outweighs common sense as it does in this ad for U.K footwear and clothing maker Base. The poor guys in this ad thinks he's going to get lucky with the red-lipped, dark-haired, thong-clad hottie as she drops her bra and panties to the floor until he realizes what she puts on. How this sells shoes, we have no idea but it was interesting to watch.
Old gag done very well, and the tagline actually works as a punchline as well as the visual gag.!
er *scratches head*
wat shoe brand is this?