New Eminem Apple Spot Remarkably Similar to Lugz Spot

AdFreak has examined the new Apple Eminem spot and found it to be remarkably similar to a Lugz Footwear spot which aired in 2001. We have to agree, the similarities are striking but, then again, all new ideas have been taken, right?
here is the video is you want to watch it. I recompressed it with H.264 so it should download much faster.
Btw, comments are broken under Mac/FF. I could hardly managed to type this in... plaese fix it.
Well no, all of the ideas haven't been taken. They are simply recycled by the hacks in the ad biz.... There are A LOT of them. You know the type, up until a few months ago, they were a copy writer, or someone's a assistant, or they worked in "marketing". Now they are an "art director", and all they can manage to do is rip off and recycle someone's good idea... Badly. Scumbags.
The Lugs ad was done only about 3 years ago. They could have at least tweaked the color values, Jesus!
I believed reebok recently used this color scheme as well
The colors are hot but definitely should have been changed. it's just way too blatant of a rip-off.
is apple pissed? did they pull the ads or are they keeping on with it?
someone got lazy i suppose, but then again this lugz spot was, IMHO definitely influenced by apple to begin with.
and it's great media for lugz i suppose, but if they pursue lawsuits like their spokesperson (shwartz?) indicated, it will backfire on them.
apple should pull it, just to keep their cool legit.
perhaps THEY should have gone after lugz' agency back in 2002 for ripping THEM off.
chiat's comments in the NY times today about being dedicated to original work falls flat: remember the taco bell chihuahua? chiat day got sued and lost for ripping that off.
by the way... so glad i found this blog, great stuff!!!
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