Eye Squirt Somehow Tied to Windows Media Center

Promoting Microsoft's Windows Media Center, Switch Interactive has borrowed an oddity from the Guinness Book of World Records. Swift found Mike "The Milkman" Moral, former holder of the "longest milk squirt from eye," and latched onto his bid for a comeback tying it into a promotion for the Windows Media Center. The effort, which consists of a site with several videos, games and all the other usual stuff chronicles Moral's bid to return to the pages of Guinness. It works. It kept us engaged long enough to want to go drink a glass of milk. See, we didn't even make any comments about the Guinness Milkmaid Mammary Milk Squirt contest.
You take pleasure in the most twisted things...
keep it up :)
hey i am fully agree to what all you have written here ..
i am lovin this blog...
This is looking really nice stuff..
Well you win my heart..
i am lovin this blog...
This is a cool stuff