Sony Kid Copies Robot Car Dance

OK, forget Citroen's robot dance or its many spoofs. Sony has latched on to the trend and applied the concept to an ad which promotes its product line of various electronic gadgets from compact stereos to TVs to laptops to cameras to its new PSP. Are there any new ideas out there, folks?
UPDATE: We screwed up. According to Engadget, this is a spec spot created by an 18 year old. On the upside, this is a great example of consumer created advertising.
Not that the morphing technique hasn't been done before, but I think you're way off base for claiming this is at all derivative of the dancing robot spot.
There is no dancing whatsoever.
Once again, you're a big wrong-head.
Not that the morphing technique hasn't been done before, but I think you're way off base for claiming this is at all derivative of the dancing robot spot.
There is no dancing whatsoever.
It's spec. And it's done by an 18-year-old: That's the real story here.
the boards link SAYS spec ad right on it.
yes, it does say spec but it doesn't say "This ad was not done by Sony but by an 18 year old kid who doesn't work for Sony."
The concept is rather similar to the Motorola RAZR ad, but the animation is exceptional. Though the words that pop up do seem a little tacky in comparison.
The music goes well too.
Im not too sure about the actual thinking behind the ad, im not too sure that Sony would run this type of cross product ad. But that said, as a piece of creative advertising it works.
It is a spec ad bought by sony from a firm. They did a great job marketing this though. Nothing like good viral.
See. Look at thier demos.
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