'Got Milk' And Oreo Team For Third Co-Promotion
For the third time in ten years, the California Milk Processor Board has teamed with Kraft Food's Oreo brand promote milk and Oreo in a new Got Milk spot called Triplets. In the ad, three identical young "ballerinas" are seated at the kitchen table. One of the triplets serves milk in tall narrow glasses for herself and her sisters and they prepare to dunk their Oreo cookies in unison. When the Oreo cookies won't reach the small amount of milk in the bottom of each tall glass, the triplets decide working together is the only way to go and they combine their milk into one glass and easily dunk their Oreos. The ad closes not with the original Oreo tag line, but with the now-universal question, "Got Milk?" It's cute.
It's not entirely clear from this post, but this is an existing Oreo ad, with the only change being the end tagline, right?
OREA?! Get thee to a proofreader!
i am in charge of a webpage for talented kids and teens ..and i have a lot of requestes on who are the talented little girls who are in the commerical..if you can give me any information on who these talented girls that would be great
thank you
Rj Mac-Coy
A garotinhas são minhas tri netas
Laurindo Aleixo
Sao Paulo/SP
Dear Mr. Rj Mac-Coy,
The young triplets are my doughters.
If you have any question feel free to contact me direct by e-mail: marceloaleixo@bol.com.br
Thanks and regards,
Marcelo Aleixo
The young triplets are my doughters and I know that some people are requested on who are these litle girls. If anybody has any question please feel free to contact me directly by e-mail: marceloaleixo@bol.com.br
Thanks and regards,
Marcelo Aleixo
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