Adrants Hits the Seas For Industry Conference On Cruise Ship

If you've been in advertising for a while, you've certainly been to your fair share of trade shows, conferences and seminars but we're pretty sure you've never been to an advertising conference held on a cruise ship. Well, that could change for you very soon. While, you've no doubt heard of or been to other conferences that focus on how the weblog medium can help your marketing, PR and advertising, the Blogonmics conference, held aboard Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines' Enchantment of the Seas will be very different.
For the cost of a typical 2-3 day, big city conference, the Blogonomics Business Blogging Conference will provide you a five day cruise, of which one and one half to two days is the conference, from Miami to Key West to Cozumel and back. You'll get to hear from, talk to and share a drink by the pool with marketing experts such as Microsoft's Robert Scoble, Whatsnextonline's B.L. Ochman, b5 media's Jeremy and, yes, Adrants' Steve Hall.
The conference will provide real-world examples of marketers who have used weblogs to great success, how to measure the success of a blog-based campaign, how to design, develop and publish a weblog and why you'd want to consider the weblog medium for your marketing in the first pace. The conference will also be devoid of geek speak so often heard at many blog conferences and focus more on the marketing aspects of the medium.
The conference takes place October 5 through October 9 so you have plenty of time to get ready but if you're interested, check out all the details now and register soon as slots will fill up quickly. We know every marketer and advertiser reading Adrants has a vested interest in and a responsibility to learn this very social medium because if you don't figure out how to join the conversation soon, your consumer will be having it without you. And that' a very bad thing. Get all the details here.
If your going for free Steve-- I hate you.
If your writing it off as a business expense-- I hate you.
How do you spell "boondoggle"?
Oh, I just did.
What ad industry event isn't a boobdoggle? :-)
Actually, I have been to three cruise based conferences over the years (2001, 2002, and 2003) and they were pretty cool. In fact, AffiliateForce2003 was on the exact same itinerary.
The plusses are that you are in a contained environment and networking is amazingly good. You are always around someone in the group and can always find someone to meet and talk with at all hours of the day and night. The minuses are that some companies see a cruise as a boondoggle and will not send anyone and that you limit your attendance to a few hundred people.