Staples Easy Button Hacked

Oh it was only a matter of time before someone, sickened by advertisers' oversimplification of everything, namely Staples' claim that they make business easy, before the Easy Button hacks arrived. Al Cohen, who created the hacke button which spews forth nastyisms, says, "Advertising agencies think that they can cram any amount of factitious crap down the gullible throats of the public. We need to remind them we are a heck of a lot smarter, and can process far more complex equations, just given half a chance." Touche. You can listen to Cohen's creation here but the connection is agonizingly slow. We'll host it elsewhere once we get the entire file.
Al is a mad genius. He has a super recipe for PorkButt and an evil recipe for habanero hot sauce too. He also has more business than he can handle---all part of the do something that makes people LOL and share the good vibes thing and the world comes to ring your doorbell wanting more. Thx Steve for this Big Smile Maker Post(BSM;P)
Al Cohen is great - a true comic genius! Played the Evil Button file from your link, Monty Python "I don't like Spam" voice and all, then saved it. Had to download the PDF file with DIY instructions in the link - I want my own. Many thanks for this, and it will be passed on.
Now I have to find Al's recipe for PorkButt and the one for the habanero hot sauce noted in the other comment...
Here are the excellent recipe PDF's Al sent me that you desire.
I love his labels which accomplish both an enticement and a suitable caveat emptor.
...and of course Al's main web site:
We are exchanging occult and germaine advertising and recipe ideas designed to induce ecstasis. The classic David Olgivy "first impression" and the mission critical "swoon of rapturous delight". The target is my wife; whose hobby is "shopping".