Gap Destroys Itself In Preparation For Makeover


During this week's OMMA Conference, Crispin Porter + Bogusky showed some Gap work which aired nly in movie theaters in New York and LA. The :90 spot shows a Gap store being demolished by customers and workers as a sign of the new, aged-up Gap. While one source claims this ad was done by Laird+Partners, the fact Crispin showed it at OMMA sort of dispels the notion they sometimes "bend" the list of credits on a project.

by Steve Hall    Sep-27-06   Click to Comment   
Topic: Best, Commercials   

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So, GAP (by way of CP+B) is currently in the process of re-inventing themselves �yawn� oh how very Madonna of them. And, I see, they've taken a cue from Fight Club (which they rented but never read) and created an ad (probably on Macs, no less) wherein all of the uber-chic yuppies trash one of their stores. These people are possessed with a rage usually reserved for the waiter who delivers bad gazpacho. My friends, this is a terrifying glimpse into a world wherein slackers in overpriced khakis stop washing down their Xanax with a Starbucks latte.

Posted by: Corey King on September 27, 2006 1:32 PM

Slate had an article on this ad when it came out: Apparently it was directed by Spike Jonze.

Posted by: Cameron on September 27, 2006 1:58 PM

this ad ran a while least two years ago.

Posted by: b-rad on September 27, 2006 2:33 PM

OK, OK...forget we ever mentioned it. We still like it. No matter who did it or directed it. And yea, we did know Spike directed it.

Posted by: Steve Hall on September 27, 2006 3:01 PM

Yeah, I remember when they had two versions of this online; one with the music the client/agency wanted, and one with the music Spike Jonze wanted.

Guess who won?

And guess which score was vastly superior?

(Hint: they're not one and the same.)

Posted by: Bob on September 27, 2006 3:26 PM

Truly, who gives a fuck. CP+B does not equal interesting nor good by any means.

Posted by: ZIBBYZ on September 27, 2006 5:36 PM

Its like everything these guys touch turns to magic. Will these guys ever let up? Its like we've been saying they would for the past 3 years and they're still kicking ass.

Posted by: Joe on September 27, 2006 9:26 PM

The ad feels completely different with that music, but it still works. Yes, I worship at the altar of Spike frigging Jonze.

Posted by: Step Schwarz on September 28, 2006 8:35 AM