NFL Begs Fans for Ad Help

We're convinced we told you this already but since a search through our archives gave us nothing, we're going to call it Deja Vu and tell you again. In an ad that's actually mildly funny, the NFL marketing board decides they need help after tossing around some frail ideas for the next Superbowl. Then the screen is molested by big letters that say PITCH US YOUR IDEA FOR THE BEST NFL SUPERBOWL COMMERCIAL. SERIOUSLY.
We're fans of the whole "involve your audience" thing but wonder if people will start thinking marketers are getting lazy.
Guess there's no harm in that. Once they get comfortable we can pounce on them like super-awesome ninja spider monkeys with our creative prowess, which will hopefully happen sometime before we all lose our jobs and go back to being occasionally witty baristas. - Contributed by Angela Natividad
How about Toys R Us. Decribing them to a tee.
Placing the football players (made small) into the store playing with Toys R Us toys.
Two blondes are shopping for NFL pink clothing in a sports store. The one says I just love football now that I can buy stylish clothes and look nice while we watch the games. Look at this darling Sexy Rexy shirt (all pink with rhinestones and lots of bling bling). The Bears are doing so great this year...and isn't this Grossman shirt the best. At this point Rex Grossman walks by and smiles at her and she gives him a nonchalant look. She has no clue who he is.
So I heard from a friend that the guy who won the NFL commercial contest got Brett Favre to do something in his commercial (BTW, I think it's airing in the 4th quarter around the 2-min. warning).
Does anyone know what he's doing in the commercial?!?!