The Ski Tour Hunts Gen Y and Paul Mitchell Makes Us Laugh

To get down with plush-ass Gen Y four major resorts bundle up to host The Ski Tour, a hyper-trendy echo boomer orgy. As no youth-poaching Woodstock is complete without fashion shows, nods to smoking chronic and concerts by obscure artists like the ever-more-irrelevant Tommy Lee, The Ski Tour includes all these delights and more.
The site was created by Wirestone and sponsors include Spyder, Ice Breaker and Paul Mitchell, who continues to grasp for this demo even if most think Paul faded into the ether hand-in-hand with Molly Ringwald. Here's some advice: tear away from your beloved '80's aesthetic and maybe you'll vibe more relevant. In the meantime though, expect the smell of aerosol to intermingle with the stinging-fresh air on the piste. - Contributed by Angela Natividad
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