Army, Ad Council Push Merits of Education with Badly Written Manifesto

The Army/Ad Council Boost Up effort skyrockets in our ratings of deserved abuse with this awkwardly-phrased, melodramatic, grammatically awful and typo-ridden explanation for Boost Up's mission.
We're sure they're sincere in suggesting that inside every one of us is a graduate. But clearly a high school graduate does not a good editor make. Well, guess that's what the military - er, college - is for.
Nice work JWT.
"Some of us think we can be."
Well, that seems pretty clear to me. The campaign is targeted at existentialist dropouts.
yes, the work leaves much to be desired. especially a proofreader. but is adrants really the one to be dissing others over typos? :)
Hey now, nobody can accuse us of pushing the merits of higher education.
Wonder why the US Army is so keen for high school educated cannon fodder.
I guess they are desperate to fill the ranks for their next 'surge' into someone else's country to steal their oil.
Since when does AdRants go around proofing crap-ass sites? Does this really constitute ad news?