The Last Word on Method's Horny Shiny Suds

So Method ran a humorous commercial, called Shiny Suds, showing scrubbing bubbles taunting a naked woman in the shower. After complaints from people who actually likened the spot to condoning rape (we kid you not), Method pulled the commercial. Words fail at this point but we'll give it a shot:
1. Cause groups and feminist blogging should be outlawed.
2. Everyone with a stick up their ass over this should promptly shove it all the way through until it pops out the top of their head. Hopefully they'll die and allow the rest of us to "use the loofa" without feeling like we're being gang raped in the shower. (Where the hell do people come up with this crap?)
3. Brands should grow a pair and proudly lift their middle finger when confronted by a gaggle of idiots who have nothing better to do than to suck the last drop of humor out of life.
4. Just for fun, Dow should hire an army of men in Scrubbing Bubbles costumes, send them to BlogHer (and the rest of the female conference circuit) and have them ejaculate foamy white stuff all over attendees. That ought to get some panties in a bunch.
5. Um... Nope. Got nothing left. Feel free to add your own.
Ever wish you could take something back? I do.
The tidal wave of commentary on this over the last few days has certainly given me a taste of my own medicine and reminded me of a couple of things:
#1 - When you're wrong admit it.
#2 - When you hurt someone's feelings say you're sorry.
I was wrong, and I'm sorry.