Zippo Lights Up Concert Tours


Zippo is out with a new campaign that integrates musical events, sweepstakes, giveaways, social media and online marketing with retail sales. The Zippo Encore campaign comes courtesy of East Aurora, NY advertising agency Cenergy

Intended to increase Zippo's social media presence and product awareness among males 18 to 35, and to generate sales, Zippo Encore consists of three national, active rock music tours, in succession. The Avalanche tour runs until April 25 and includes 21 performances in 17 states, from California to Rhode Island. At each of the concerts Zippo will be the presenting sponsor. The feature act is Shinedown.

Next is the Mayhem tour, featuring Slipknot, which will include 26 performances in 23 states, Washington to Georgia, between June 30 and August 5. Finally, the Uproar tour, with venues and acts still to be determined, will extend from late summer into early fall.

At each of the approximately 80+ performances, Zippo will have a flame-themed, metal kiosk (10' x 10' at indoor shows; 10' x 20' at outdoor), staffed by t-shirted brand ambassadors who will encourage audience participation in the Zippo promotions, as well as vend Zippo lighters.

Concertgoers will be invited to enter the Tweet & Greet Tweetstakes by sending a tweet on "why Zippo rocks," to @ZippoEncore, hashtag #zipporocks. At each concert, two randomly selected tweeters will be invited backstage, with a guest, to meet the featured band.

All attendees will be offered free music downloads, up to 10 each, courtesy of Zippo. The online activation code will be on a 33⁄8" x 21⁄8" handout card. Zippo expects to give out over 30 K cards.

And a new, Cenergy-designed website will be a hub for all tour, Tweetstakes and musician info. Additional content includes streaming tunes and videos, and ongoing "roadie" tour blogs by different Zippo ambassadors. There is also a link to Zippo's existing e-retail site.

by Steve Hall    Apr-24-12   Click to Comment   
Topic: Sponsorship   
