You Mean Behavioral Targeting Doesn't Make You Go 'Booyah'?


Q: What's worse than hearing Kathy Lee Gifford say "Bling bling bling"?

A: Hearing a professional voice over artist say "Booyah for Boolean!" And you can thank Revenue Science for that little sphincter crunch you just did.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 1-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Online, Promotions, Strange, Video   

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It looks like the actress is getting ready to "Pooyah" all over the desk.

(Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm not twelve, really. Hehe)

Also, the video on the website plays twice within the same recording (does that make sense? I don't know how to put it technically). Very sloppy.

Posted by: jexx on June 2, 2008 7:46 AM

~~~~~ scary ~~~~~~~

i'm guessing this gets the same traction as wd40 spewwed on glass.

the blandness of the color wheel did not match the happy/vibrant dayglo auditorially delivered message and failed to ignite the rave gene, but, maybe, by virtue of the fact, that i'm not the target, and so can not get it's ok.... a near miss...

Posted by: art on June 2, 2008 11:43 AM

~~~~~ scary ~~~~~~~

i'm guessing this gets the same traction as wd40 spewwed on glass.

the blandness of the color wheel did not match the happy/vibrant dayglo auditorially delivered message and failed to ignite the rave gene, but, maybe, by virtue of the fact, that i'm not the target, and so can not get it's ok.... a near miss...

Posted by: wtf on June 2, 2008 11:43 AM