Jelly Belly Promoted With $250,000 Mystery Flavor Game

Candy maker Jelly Belly has launched an advergame called Taste the Mystery visitors can play after entering an access code found on select packages of Jelly Belly containing a mystery jelly bean. ON the site, the visitor then guesses the flavor of the new bean, play games, snag wallpaper and send e-cards. Winners of the contest are eligible to win $100,000, a Mini Cooper and/or an iPod shuffle. That might make the game worth playing.
Placing the code on packaging does a nice job of driving sales even though, as with any sweeps, no purchase is necessary. But, similar to frustrating rebate procedures, entrants who wish to play but not purchase have to do a little extra work by sending in the proverbial self-addressed postage stamped envelope with a handwritten note requesting a code. Much easier to just by a bag. Anyway, we like the promo. Los Angeles-based Zugara created the original artwork, concepting and animation for the site.
I recently had trouble with two no purchase necessary items (Coke and Budweiser). Both ended with me getting free stuff, but neither of them was worthwhile.
I've posted about them on my blog at the following URL's:
I do not know what a URL is.So I can not give you my URL.Your mystery jelly bellys are the best.Why did you make them? Rachel
I think your mystery Jelly Belly tastes like vanilla jelly belly or tapioca pudding jelly belly.Audrey
it tastes like apple pie.
ice cream sandwich
I think the flavor is sweet and I like it.
Is the Mystury flavor (Eggnog)
it is the flavor of maple syrup
it is maple syrup
Hey!! I luv Jelly Beans!! I think the mys. flav. is apple pie or ice cream sandwich!! I totally need that money!!
i luv u guys,Roma
Hey!! I luv Jelly Beans!! I think the mys. flav. is apple pie or ice cream sandwich!! I totally need that money!!
i luv u guys,Roma
Hey!! I luv Jelly Beans!! I think the mys. flav. is apple pie or ice cream sandwich!! I totally need that money!!
i luv u guys,Roma
Hey!! I luv Jelly Beans!! I think the mys. flav. is apple pie or ice cream sandwich!! I totally need that money!!
i luv u guys,Roma
Hey!! I luv Jelly Beans!! I think the mys. flav. is apple pie or ice cream sandwich!! I totally need that money!!
i luv u guys,Roma