Extremely Stupid Sex Video Promotes Text Messaging

This video promoting a text messaging service is extremely stupid not to mention it making viewers wait way, way, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long for the punchline which, itself, is also very stupid. Yea, yea, we know it's a riff on that Beautiful Agony site but it's a bad one. Whatever. It's from the UK. They like this stuff.
"Whatever. It's from the UK. They like this stuff."
No, we think it's shit just like you do.
I think you are right, the only thing that makes you stay watching the tv its because you want to watch how bad this commercial it is.
Larry, you took the words right out of my hands. Excuse the cheap pun.
It did remind me of a rather crude text I once had, which said simply 'text sex; can't beat it'
How apt.
Well, this video is kind of cheap and stupid, but at the same time it is aimed to a specific target that might like such kind of messages.
I dont like it, of course, regarding the cheap and shallow message, but...whatever...
Call me for some sex...6143232732
Call me for some love...6143232732