Ad Explains How to Enjoy Your Whack

Here's an ad that does absolutely nothing to conceal the double meaning of the product. Created by Bos in Toronto for its client Mac's Convenience/Mac's Froster, it promotes a drink called Whack. Appropriately, the email that contained this commercial was signed "Enjoy."
Then again, I guess the target audience for such a drink are the same group of boys who still find "Bevis and Butthead" funny.
I doubt their attention span would remain alert enough to make it through this one-joke informercial, however.
last year's Mac's Froster spot was called
"Bloody Zit" and can be found in the Boards Screening room at
It has more of an "ew" factor. Both spots were directed by Reginald Pike's Brian Lee Hughes.
I think it's pretty funny. Capturing the attention of the target market and giving them a discussion point while in the store looking at the POS - I believe they've "hit it on the head" so to speak with creating an in-store experience. Let's remember folks, it's about convincing their consumers to switch from RedBull or Coke to Froster - which I'm sure has a much higher profit margin for them.
Congrat's Bos!
i am in a new froster commercial. There is a girl standing on a hill and me and another guy run at each other from either side of the screen.
It doesnt promote a specific flavour but it is prmomting the froster as a whole. Watch for it!
hey scottright, beavis and butthead is a gift. why don't you go and make a cartoon...didn't think so, so next time you hate on a golden ad like this that comes along, remember, you are the army that detroys low brow humor...