Apple Leads Pavlov's Dogs to Store Opening


Yesterday, we shared a few pictures of Apple's New York store opening. Today, we have a video that further captures the insanity and the power the Apple brand holds over us. It's just a computer store, people! Relax. Go home. Have a beer. Seeing James Woods and Kevin Bacon really isn't that exciting. Unless, of course, your life is meaningless and ll you need is a few pieces of geeky white electronics to spice it up.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (1)     File: Brands, Good, Point of Purchase     May-23-06  


Not just a brand -- a way of life!

Or so you'd be led to believe by this new online Apple iPod + iTunes ad --

Engaging ad unit with effective use of the Eyewonder rich media technology.

Posted by: adverlicious on May 23, 2006 01:52 PM

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