Hyundai Captures Attention With Bitchin' Booty Tuscon Tat


Now here's an ad, or at least we think it's an ad, you don't see very often. Oh wait. Did we just forget we're talking about advertising here? Sorry. Of course we've seen all kinds of ads like this before tantalizingly displaying various body parts for the sole purpose of selling something. So it's without surprise that Hyundai has gone the bitchin' booty tat route. OK, so it's a more like a hip/thigh tattoo but that didn't make for a goor headline.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (2)     File: Good, Magazine     Jul- 3-06  
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No one in their right mind would ever get a Hyundai tattoo!!!

Posted by: D on July 3, 2006 01:13 PM

When I first saw this one I thought it was a soap AD and her butt was dirty.

Posted by: Roy on July 6, 2006 11:39 AM

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