Mother And Daughter Do Not Fight About Cingular

Have you ever wondered how different, or strange for that matter, your life would be if everything you said was the opposite of what you meant? BBDO has explored that scenario in a new Cingular commercial in which a Mom does her best to convince her daughter she really, really needs that new Cingular phone. Right up there with the T-mobile's speed talking cheerleader, it seems mobile phone company ads are, indeed, getting better and perhaps finally leaving behind the stupid Dad ads made famous by Verizon. See the rest of Advertising Age's TV Spots of the Week here.
Okay, a rare positive comment from me: I really like this commercial a lot. Spot-on writing and excellent performances. Nice concept, too.
My teen daughter and I have tried to use the lines from the commecial when we fight but we always seem to fall back into the "usual words." Thanks for the different world view , even if it is fleeting.
My teen daughter and I have tried to use the lines from the commecial when we fight but we always seem to fall back into the "usual words." Thanks for the different world view , even if it is fleeting.
I'm with Bob, this was just well done all around.
I've been enjoying this for a couple of weeks now. Nicely done!
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