We Like Advertising Age's Ad Campaign, Want One For Adrants

Apparently, it's just us but we really like that house campaign Advertising Age is running which features media planner Nicole Lee who babbles on endlessly in that typical valley girlish accent about her inebriated night with some creative at Nobu. To hear it you have to visit Adverting Age and reload a few times to get the banner to appear. If any Adrants reader thinks they can create an equally interesting or even more entertaining ad that centers on why people read Adrants, we wouldn't dissuade you from sending it in and perhaps running it on the site. Or if your feeling witty, create a spoof of the Advertising Age campaign and we'll have fun with that too.
sponsor of the week is Advertising Age then is it Steve....
Are you insinuating that Ad Age has paid me to write that? If so, you would be very wrong, mt friend.
Read my post on this POS on AdScam.