Agency Launches Bilingual Online Video Advice Comedy Column

Here's another fun little time waster from Boston's Captains of Industry (yes, it's an agency and that's their name) has launched Ask Dr. Clark (go to the site, click the "fun" tab ) in which a 60's style doctor answers important questions such as "My snoring keeps my wife awake. What can I do?" and "My voice is too low to get a date. Can you help?" The answer to the snoring question is ridiculous but quite funny. The site is bilingual and Dr. Clark speak Spanish with a curiously German accent.
People can submit their own questions via email and have the doctor answer them. Email, you ask? Not Subservient Chicken-style command o-IM? Ever wonder why those insta-command answered always are so stupid? That's because it's based on some previously filmed, anticipated answer. Dr. Clark, a real human being in the form of one of the agency's execs, plans to answer submitted questions using his human brain rather than using some compucoded pre-fab idiocy. You can begin submitting your questions today?
While we might refer to it as a time waster, Captains of Industry would like to make sure we understand that it was "created for marketing demonstrate how fun video content can help pull traffic to corporate websites and enable companies to engage customers and build stronger connections with brands."
URL is not linked to correctly, just to let you know :)
Ah Dr. Clark! Good to see him on AdRants. :) Here's a link to the site:
(Disclaimer: I'm a Captain. A Captain I am.)
Being a child of the 60's this is a great little time waster. What bothers me is some of this makes since, could it be the gray roots?
Sadly, my husband has the CPAP and yes, he does now sleep in the seperate room since he is ugly with it on. Now we both sleep fine (and he doesn't use the machine anymore either).