Broadband Company Latches Onto Numa Numa Craze

We apologize in advance. We simply cannot help ourselves when it comes to Gary Brolsma and all things Numa Numa. Advertising Age's Bob Garfield took a look at yet another knock off of the Numa Numa video, this time done by a company called Arnet Broadband. The company uses that same catchy tune but fills the video with a Gary Brolsma look-a-like (which they call Garry avoid legal stickiness) and several others whose purpose it is to illustrate the virtues of broadband access and the utter wackiness it provides access to.
One might say this is played out with over 3,000 Numa Numa videos out there but the train won't stop. Even Gary himself came back to join th party, albeit with a less organic and far more commercial endeavor. If it works, rinse, repeat.