Adverband Releases First Single For Symantec
Formed in early October by NightAgency, the adverband RockDotRock is now out with their new video that promotes Norton Confidential for the agency's clint Symantec. We're no music expert so we're going to leave this wide open for you readers to comment on. Is this good? Is it bad? Are Adverbands the wave of the futer? Is is marketing gone crazy? Do tell.

Not sure about the idea (kinda Coq Roq), but the video's hilarious. Wish the wee details (copy/photography) were as strong.
I'll leave the big-picture marketing implications to those with more informed opinions, but from a musical standpoint, that stuff is the opposite of good.
Alas, the J. Geils Band was before it's time -- they would have been perfect for this if there was an internet in 1983.
Uh. . Hmm. "What the hell is this crap" - Like when I saw beavis n buthead for the first time.
Effective nonetheless, I went to the ws and bm the order page. Mind you this is about 20mins after my initial view. (walking away from my computer and forgetting about the previous experience)
Effective nonetheless, I went to the ws and bm the order page. Mind you this is about 20mins after my initial view. (walking away from my computer and forgetting about the previous experience)
Effective nonetheless, I went to the ws and bm the order page. Mind you this is about 20mins after my initial view (walking away from my computer and forgetting about the previous experience).
I think this could be the start of a new online experience. These guys rock unlike the fake and horrible coq roq. Very witty
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