Don't Just Say Go to Hell, Send Them There

We've finally been empowered to act on the command. At You Are Damned put the name of someone or something that sucks ass (like the England Cricket Team) right on the scratch-ridden walls of hell. And if you want to play both sides, grant redemption too. If you feel like it, anyway. We very rarely do.
After damning a few people we know and cherish we got a bunch of thank-you letters from Lucifer himself, inviting us to visit anytime. Our favourite line: "You don't know how happy I am to see this lousy S.O.B. What can I say, I'm all giddy."
So are we, L. So are we. Campaign by Mono in Minneapolis and EVB in San Francisco. - Contributed by Angela Natividad
This is classic. I have spend 10 minutes damning all the people I can't stand. I love it.