'Probably' the New First, Best Only


Leave it to a lone shoe store somewhere in America to hoist honesty in advertising atop its gated entry in the form of a sign shot by Flickr user JoelJohnson. Claiming , "We are probably the lowest price in the city," a fresh breath of honesty and humor finds its way into the most simplest form of advertising. More of this would certainly not be a bad thing.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 1-06   Click to Comment   
Topic: Good, Outdoor   

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I enjoy coming to this site every so often to check for updates (even if they're outdated), however, you honestly need to start using spell check. It's absurd how many of your postings have misspelled words.

Posted by: Roger on December 1, 2006 1:58 PM

Saw similar advertising in Dublin, Ireland in 2003. "Probably the best beer in Ireland". My husband and I got a good chuckle over it.

Posted by: heather dougherty on December 1, 2006 2:06 PM

Isn't it, Roger? It seems a bunch of uneducated idiots publish this site!

Posted by: Steve Hall on December 1, 2006 2:15 PM

Pro-Bobly? Is Bob your preferred candidate for an upcoming election? You used "probobly" twice in your news blurb. Did you mean "probably"? -- Kaynyne

Posted by: Kaynyne on December 1, 2006 2:18 PM

Pro-Bobly? Is Bob your preferred candidate for an upcoming election? You used "probobly" twice in your news blurb. Did you mean "probably"? It's even spelled correctly IN the sign! -- Kaynyne

Posted by: Kaynyne on December 1, 2006 2:19 PM

Carlsberg beer from Denmark has been saying that for years: "Probably the best beer in the world."

Posted by: Babs on December 1, 2006 2:28 PM

I know this store... it's on Rector St between Broadway and Trinity in lower Manhattan (right across from Trinity Church).

I never went in (shows you how well "probably" works), but I always love walking by and smile every time I do.

Posted by: James Keating on December 1, 2006 2:35 PM

This place is in downtown Manhattan. Ironically, I took a picture of this same sign about 8 years ago because it seemed so absurd. I'm happy to see the absurdity lives.

Posted by: brian Avenius on December 1, 2006 2:44 PM

True honesty in advertising...or an overly protective legal department? =0)

Posted by: Bradley Hein on December 1, 2006 3:30 PM

Thank you Steve for an illuminating post, Siriusly. good information's expensive.. in fact, it's pure hydrogen, burns like hell, illuminates heaven and consumes the best of minds and, by the way.. we open no-mind before its time. it's only natural that your Brilliant Ones seek cool, dark places with cold frothy drinks presented by smiling goddesses with a wink for refuge from the overload.. yes, Bob is God is an interesting dogpile search. RAW really does tease with strange misspellings on porpoise�anything to make you smile, anything

Posted by: arthur on December 1, 2006 3:52 PM

Steve, listen - I like your site. I wouldn't visit it if I didn't....but you're better than that.

Let's do this right.

Posted by: Roger on December 1, 2006 3:54 PM

Definitely not idiots! After all, the message is what's important, not the spelling. Just be glad that they're not using grunge type.

Reminds me of the Commodore 64 users who couldn't spell their computer's name, even though it was only inches from their keyboard.

Thanks for the entertainment.

Posted by: winterm00t on December 1, 2006 4:35 PM

I think this probably is really clever.

Posted by: Jeroen de Koning on December 2, 2006 6:48 AM

Great blog! Who really cares about the spelling errors? As long as you know what he's talking about, right!?

Posted by: terra on December 3, 2006 9:52 PM

Great blog! Who really cares about the spelling errors? As long as you know what he's talking about, right!?

Posted by: terra on December 3, 2006 9:52 PM

If this store is pro-bobly, who is anti-bobly?

Posted by: Edward on December 4, 2006 3:30 PM

Wow. It's not often that you see a typo AND a grammo so close together.
It's either "most simple" or "simplest" (with an 'e', not an 'i').
Go get your text book and read up on 'comparative' and 'superlative'.

Besides which, the law has determined that there's no foul in claiming that your product IS superlative, providing it calls for a subjective conclusion on the part of the user.

In other words, you can say your chocolate is "tastier", your flowers are "more beautiful", etc, because no one can prove otherwise!

The "price thingy" is, albeit, a little less 'subjective' and could be put to test.

Posted by: Michael on December 12, 2006 3:41 PM

We like to keep you proofreader freaks on your toes:-)

Posted by: Steve Hall on December 12, 2006 4:28 PM