Boobs! Ass! Thongs! Vodka! Russian Commercial Delivers

Here's a Russian vodka commercial that releases all that pent up, iron curtain crap the country had to endure for so long. Like a 16 year old kid returning from a week spent on vacation with the family to the privacy of his own room to urgently release thats week's "build up," Russian marketers are undergoing a release of their own. In this commercial for Kreslova vodka, a lonely Russian man's imagination drifts to the pleasures of beautiful woman clad in nothing more than tiny thongs and cleavage-enhancing lingerie. And it's all the vodka's fault. Damn. Where can we get some of that imagination-enhancing vodka here in the states?
Since when do 16 year old kids abstain from build up release just because they're on vacation with the family?
Alcohol gets girls. Not too original a concept. What I thought was interesting was how they went all out on the boobs/ass/thongs bit but it managed to remain minimally sexy. Compared to alcohol ads in the US at least. The girls don't touch him much, they mostly just frolic together. Also, I was a little depressed at the end because the ad doesn't promise girls, it promises fantasy girls. :(
The funny thing is the ad is actually romanian, not russian. It was screened during this year's Golden Drum festival.
What's really funny is the main idea of the ad: vodka doesn't get you girls, vodka gets you delirium tremens. The guy is hallucinating.
this is a great clip