Adrants Names Emerald Nuts Best Super Bowl Ad

Naming the best Super Bowl commercial is, at best, uselessly subjective and wholly irrelevant but we're going to do it anyway. And, in a shocker, we're going to agree with Advertising Age's bob Garfield and dub the Emerald Nuts Robert Goulet commercial our favorite. It's just twisted and quirky enough for us to appreciate and, not to be dismissed (although it usually is with Super Bowl ads), did a pretty good job of sliding some product benefit into the ad. So, Bob, what do you think? More importantly, what does everyone else think? Are we nuts? Oops. Sorry. Anyway, both of us (Angela and Steve) thought it was the best so we're going to honor it the Adrants Favorite for this year. The ad was developed by Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco and was directed by the kooky and famed Perlorian Brothers.
There were others that stood out as interesting to us and, in no particular order, they include, yes, that freakish Sinkers ad if only for the fact it will be forever talked about; the GoDaddy ad because it was informative and confined its over the topness to an insider joke; the Bud Light slapping ad for the same reason; the Sierra Mist Beard Combover for its kookiness, the Blockbuster Mouse ad for its animalistic humor and perfect alignment with using the electronic version of the mouse to order movies; Kevin Federline's Nationwide ad because, well, it's Kevin Federline and the pop timing of it all is simply perfect; the Doritos Crash ad for its effective demonstration of product attributes and eTrade's One finger ad for its brilliant alignment of concept with product benefit;

In an especially poor pool of choices, this was certainly one of the few even worth mentioning. Well done to them.
And who knew Robert Goulet was still alive?! (not that I wish him ill...)
I must wholeheartedly disagree with the selection of Bob Goulet. My favorite spot was the Chevy HHR one with the half-naked guys washing the car. I don't know why they were doing it, but it was funny.
Steve and Angela
Great minds think alike, I picked Goulet as the best on AdScam. Most everything else sucked. When is someone in the country going to do a decent fucking car ad... Bud... Coke... snores. Talking animals... Jesus!
Obviously if MeganM liked the stupid naked guy shit... She isn't getting enough... Correction... She isn't getting any.
Gotta go now... Time to wash my car in Bud.
Come on! Nobody's giving a nod to CareerBuilder? The ads tagged with "why just survive the workweek" - bravo I say!
Yet the HHR is getting some props? Maybe some single women had a positive reaction to it...but the married one's I mentioned it to, well, they threw up a lil in the back their mouth.
I do agree about the EN spot - funny, informative, and just as good as the Dorito's UGC spots.
i agree with Adrants on this one. cheers.
as far as career builder goes its a novel idea i just don't like how it was done. It shows the bad side of working but never the good, if some people who enjoyed there job (working somewhere else of course) walked by,looked at the mayhem and showed compassion of some sort (maybe something about how that is what separates them from the animals) i think it would have ended much better, especially during the last battle scene. Tag line wouldn't of worked the same but it could be modified.
I agree.. Goulet made me LMAO and it broke through the rest. Great choice!
Com'n Steve. The best spot was CareerBuilder. Followed by E-Trade and NFL or Sales Genie (we're divided on the 100 leads). Anyhoo that's the official Mortar take. We voted and everything.
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