'Foobs' the New Female Objectification Advertising Tactic

Oh the hell with all that crap about objectifying women in advertising. Oops. Did we just say that? Well, not really but Bodog kinda does in its new, and we think very hilarious, new video promoting its Bodog Fantasy Football. Maybe some of you have seen that old movie Weird Science in which some hottie appears to a bunch of geeks. Well, this video follows the same idea but when Bogog's hottie appears from the closet, climbs onto the bed of a droolingly transfixed guy and takes off her shirt, she unleashes a pair of boobs like none you've ever seen before.
Just as the Heineken DraughtKeg fembot combines beer and hottieliciousness , Bodog offers up the perfect combination of football and an entirely different form of hottieliciousness. The kind only a fantasy football obsessed guy could conjure from within.