New NYSE Spots Are Well-Produced, but Not Disarming

"One market. Infinite possibilities." That's the going slogan for the NYSE, a brand so big and so embedded in the American financial subconscious that seeing an ad for it almost confuses us.
This pair of spots -- dubbed Market Conditions and One Destination -- are chock-full of NYSE listed companies and glorify the speed and interconnectedness so necessary to business today. The agency responsible is Fallon Worldwide, but the smooth production comes from Stardust.
We were really fond of the last spot, which moved slowly and did a better job of illustrating a blooming world of "infinite possibilities."
All in all, these do a serviceable job of keeping the NYSE salient in ad land, but they're not especially resonant. It could just be the new narrator. He has a smack of fresh 90s dot-com-ness to him.
NYSE is looking to reach maybe 600 CEO's per spot on Network TV out of a million + viewers making this among the most narowly focused spots in a decade (imho). The Second Life/Linden Lab 'look' and the web based businesses that normally gravitate to NASDAQ are the target here. Spot on evaluation, excellent insights, big thx Angela! Many more cerebral cerebrations!
The NYSE is looking to reach, maybe, 600 (*shrug*) CEO's per spot on Network TV out of a couple of million viewers, making this among the most narrowly focused spots since the pre-Bubble Burst NASDSAQ spots run during NFL games(imho).
The Second Life/Linden Lab 'look' and the web based businesses showcased make this obvious in a nice 'join these winners'approach. Spot on evaluation, excellent insights, big thx Angela! Many more cerebral cerebrations!
I personally find this a lot more interesting and inspirational.
you've got to be kidding, Mr.Naked Dasdaq.
Howard Shultz may be lots of things, but fun to watch he is not.