In an open letter to Facebook dovetailing, in a way, with recent comments from P&G's Ted McConnell regarding the inappropriateness of traditional advertising on Facebook, iCrossing Senior Social Media Analyst Alisa Leonard Hansen explores the social graph, Facebook's place within it, the value exchange it offers marketers and consumers and why Facebook really does have the "golden ticket" to the perfect monetization strategy.
So what does an "aging" Disney star do when she gets too old for Mickey? She gets nude, takes pictures, puts them on her laptop, loses the laptop at JFK, reports it stolen and then attempts to twist the whole thing into a career-shifting media frenzy. But unlike her younger Disney brethren, Miley Cyrus and Vanessa Hudgens who accidentally (or so it is assumed) found themselves in compromising positions, 25-year-old Cheetah Girl Adrienne Bailon's "compromising position" was entirely planned by her publicist Jonathon Jaxon.
Yes, the girl might as well be a grandmother in Disney's eyes. After a successful run with three Cheetah Girls movies and musical tours, the Cheetah Girls movie franchise has come to a close and Bailon will seemingly be put out to pasture to fend for herself in the "grownup world."
And so it goes. The blunt transition from Disney to adulthood, never an easy one, plays out again. It will happen (is happening) with Miley Cyrus, the entire crew of High School Musical fame, Camp Rock's Demi Lovato and Wizards of Waverly Place star Selena Gomez.
Surprisingly, there hasn't been much press on AT&T's Lost in America, a Wal-Marting Across America-style (sorry, Justine) travel blog program fronted by Justine Ezarik, a.k.a iJustine and Karen Nguyen. For a few months now, the pair have been "lost" in America and exploring Alaska, Austin and Chicago.
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- Yesterday's news: Pepsi shafts BBDO for TBWA. BBDO held the account for nearly 50 years.
- After a year and a half of fumbling at the throne of Yahoo, CEO Jerry Yang exits stage left.
- Wieden + Kennedy scores the Nokia Nseries account, worth about $150 million. Lowe London held it before.
- VeeV, an acai-based spirit with delusions of grandeur, brings you The End of Vodka, complete with vodka bots. The site's goal is to show users how much superficiality vodka's introduced into our lives over the course of the past decade. Yeah. If by superficiality you mean lasting friendships and insta-forgiveness.
- "Is this Miley's fault? Ugh, she wouldn't know a legendary jazz man even if he walked up to her and shot cocaine into her neck."
- Sprint's web 2.0 clusterfuck.
- Big Takeaways from the Motrin crisis. (How is it Motrin gets shut down but this goes on undeterred?)
This is one of those thing's that causes one to scream, "Oh for fuck's sake!" Or better yet, "Jesus, fucking Christ!" Why the harsh language? Because, yet again, America has lost its sense of humor and has gotten its underwear up its crack over an innocuous Motrin ad which pokes fun at babywearing. For the uninformed, babywearing (yes, there's an actual Babywearing week) is the art of carrying your child in a sling. You've seen plenty of moms and dads with a child slung around their bodies as if the baby were yet another MacBook Pro.
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What happens when your highly elaborate, intricately planned, deeply seeded viral accomplishes nothing but rack up less than 6,000 views on YouTube and a handful of mentions on obscure sites? You send an email to Adrants, of course! It's been a long time since we've seen one of these good old fashioned viral wannabe things so here we go. Here's the email:
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- Be a GAMER. Made of steel. Video game school will show you how.
- The US Army is using webcasts by overseas soldiers to bait new recruits. The series is called -- wait for it! -- "Straight from Iraq." Soldiers are ready to take your questions.
- Keep up with Advergirl's social manifesto on how companies are using social media. It's illustrated!
- To remind us all how with-it and un-stodgy it is, Microsoft (I guess?) sends rats skydiving. Sick 'em, PETA.
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by Angela Natividad
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Guerilla, Online, Opinion, Political, Promotions, Research, Strange
- You know you wanna browse through Barack Obama's flickr.
- Make the Logo Bigger taps his own top 25 influential bloggers to spit knowledge on Pepsi's blogger outreach effort.
- GOP taps social media to rekindle its fire.
- Levi's to agencies: want our business? We want your internal invoices.
- PomX break room sheep go "What the fu-uuuck?" for "maximum wakey-wakedness!" Via.
- CEOs in ads = company death rattle.
- Rate your hate for "Saved by Zero."
- Meet the new Art Diector's Club president Doug Jaeger in a new Reel Split podcast.
- AdWeek's 23rd Annual Media All-Stars Awards issue is out. Initiative Chairman and CEO Richard Beaven was named Media Executive of the Year.
- Relive (or live for the first time) ad:tech New York by listening to this BeanCast podcast during with AquireWeb President Al Gadbut, The Martin Agency' David Vogeleer, host Bob Knorpp and myself discuss the show's highlights.
- Claiming iCrossing raided staff and clients, had filed for damages of $19.5 million against the Omnicom shop.
- Bob Garfield stirs up a shit storm for calling Sarah Palin an ignoramus in his review of the McCain campaign.
I was fresh into university when California governor Gray Davis was ousted. In what I shortsightedly conceived to be the most politically significant moment I'd be destined to see in my lifetime, Arnold Schwarzenegger replaced him in Sacramento. I felt seized by the fever of the time, and vowed to always remember what it was like to be passionate about the pulse of government.
That was just a handful of years ago. Today my mind is filled with watershed events that vastly eclipse that first taste: a mortgage crisis, the dramatic collapse of hulking financial institutions, and a black Presidential incumbent pitted against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic ticket, then against another woman -- Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin -- for the right to walk with proprietary pride across the vast square footage of the White House.
Last night, a handful of ad:techies learned the results of the November 4 election over a dinner hosted by Susan Bratton, the DishyMix queen bee. I sat between social medialyte Dave Evans and a well-traveled guy called Roy. We ordered duck gizzards and spun casual, but slightly taut, conversation.
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