Industry Creative Given Free Reign For Presidential Campiagn Ads


Adweek asked industry creatives to create presidential campaign ads just for fun. While many made excuses as to why it wouldn't be right for them to take part (lack of objectivity, client embarrassment), several were up to the task including Anomaly's Mik Byrne, Butler Shine Stern & Partners's John Butler, Deutsch's Peter Nicholson, Goodby's Jamie Barret, Kaplan Thaler Group's Tom Amico, R/GA's Nick Law, T.A.G's Scott Duchon and TBWA\Chiat\Day's Rob Schwartz.

Some of the concepts centered around Obama's perceived lack of experience, McCain's elderly age and, of course a Paris Hilton take.

Hmm...this prompts a thought. Victoria's Secret versus Frederick's of Hollywood. Any takers?

by Steve Hall    Aug-25-08   Comments (0)    File: Agencies, Political
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