Elf Yourself Meets Red Bull Skydiving For Hurricane Sandy


On December 17, New York-based digital studio Click3X will, with a reverse Red Bull-style stunt, help raise money for Hurricane Sandy victims by launching The Great Milkillstokk as high as they can. This Milkillstokk dude is some kind of digitized little person with a really big head.

We have no idea with what and from where the little guy will be launched. But the video is definitely worth watching. Elf Up. Boogie Down.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-12    
Topic: Cause

Things You Never Knew Your Samsung Galaxy Note II Could Do


Steak Studio, on behalf of Samsung, created a liquid pixel display controlled by a Samgsung Galaxy Note II. It's an exploration of "interactive water art." This installation, created solely to make YouTube video about it, uses the Note and its corresponsing S Pen technology to transfer whatever is written on the phone's screen to hundreds of miniature pumps which display the written message.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-12    
Topic: Video

'Lemonade' Producer to Explore Aftermath of Sandusky Trial


After tackling what out of work advertising people (such as yours truly) do next and and how Detroit reinvented itself, "recovering ad man" and former copywriter, Erik Proulx, will examine how Penn State, its students and the local community moved on after the Sandusky situation.

His new film, 365 Days - A Year in Happy Valley, will premiere Christmas day 2013. If his pat work is any indication, there's no doubt this film will be an amazing experience.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-12    
Topic: Video

Tweets Make Kia Rio Go Nuts


Hmm. In perhaps one of the most annoying stunts ever, Innocean Worldwideand Thinkingbox outfitted a Kia Rio to go all batty honking and making weird car noises when people at a recent Vancouver Whitcapes game tweeted with the hasttag #kiacheerwcf.

Check out the video below.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-12    
Topic: Promotions, Social

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180LA Discover Holiday For Every Day in December


For its most recent campaign for Boost Mobile, 180LA researched holidays for every day in December from Chocolate Covered Anything Day to Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales Day to your standard Christmas and Hanukkah. for each holiday, the agency made customized festive carol e-cards, all using different genres of music.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-12    
Topic: Campaigns

Honda Fit Twist Transformed Into DJ Booth


A new campaign, Drivemixer, from F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi for the Honda Fit Twist transformed the vehicle into a professional music mixer enabling N.A.S.A. (L.A. based Squeak E. Clean and Brazilian DJ Zegon) to create a new track using the Honda as a musical instrument. The car was turned into a keyboard module, and all the elements in the track composed by Squeak E. Clean (Sam Spiegel) and DJ Zegon (Zé Gonzales) were triggered by features transformed in the car.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-12    
Topic: Promotions

Clickbooth Seeks Sponsors for Affiliate Summit Party


If you are business that will attend Affiliate SUmmit West in Las Vegas January 13-15 or are simply interested is connecting with those in attendance, you might want to consider sponsoring Clickbooth's The Future is Now party to be held January 14 at Tao.

Check out the pictures from their last party during ad:tech New York in November. If you're interested in sponsoring, all the info you need is here.

End public service announcement.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-12    
Topic: Industry Events

Is This Carlton Draught Ironing Promotion Sexist?


Working with a corporate brand template from Carlton Draught for a Laundry Night promotion, a Sydney Australia pub, the Imperial, part of the Paddington Pub Precinct, is promising people a night off from ironing.

A promotional email from the pub read, "Give the wife, girlfriend or partner a rest tomorrow night, because the Carlton Draught girls will be in to do your laundry (well your ironing anyway)."

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-12    
Topic: Promotions