3 Ways to Incorporate Mobile And Social Analytics In Your Ad Campaigns


In today's competitive business environment, most advertising agencies are using data analytics to hone their clients' campaign strategies and to improve their job of targeting, tracking, and engaging customers.

With mobile commerce growing at an annual rate of 42 percent, and with one-third of online shoppers making at least one purchase via smartphone over the last 12 months (and 20 percent via tablet), marketers that ignore mobile analytics are doing themselves a major disservice. The same goes for social, where tracking, measuring, and engaging consumers via sites like Facebook and Twitter is absolutely crucial.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 3-15    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless, Social, Tools

So You Think Your Website Is Perfect. Here's 7 Reasons You May Be Wrong


OK so the entire world of marketing has been wetting its pants over social media and content marketing the last few years but what about that old fashion - yet, incredibly important -- thing called a website? Have you dusted it for cobwebs lately?

And after all that time and money you spend on social media and content marketing, it's still the website -- or the most part -- where all the action you care about -- sign ups, sales, etc. -- occurs. So if your website is still a piece of annoying Flashturbation or, worse, not supporting your omnichannel efforts, you might as well go unearth that Geocities version of your website from back in the day.

Here's a few tenets of a well oiled website. Maybe you know all this stuff. Maybe you've forgotten. And, hey, we all get busy and can use a good, swift reminder from time to time.

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by Peter Daisyme    Aug-31-15    
Topic: Online

4 Things Brands Can Learn From Subway's Jared Fogle Scandal


Jared Fogle, the man that taught America it was possible to lose more than 200 pounds eating subway sandwiches, has been charged with possessing child pornography and is reportedly planning to plead guilty.

Fogle was also the leading spokesperson for Subway for 15 years and contributed to nearly half of Subway's growth.

As the news of Fogle's charges became a reality, Subway quickly cut ties with their former spokesperson.

Here are 4 things brands can learn from Subway's recent crisis.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-31-15    
Topic: Opinion