Old Spice 'Mix Your Own Video' Makes Her Hot

Old Spice has created a site called When She's Hot that lets visitors mix their own video using supplied images, clips, beats and scratches. Of course, Old Spice being a men's product, the video clips are filled with shots of a well-bootied woman shaking her ass in slo-mo as well as a "director's cut" that's got all the ubiquitous "too hot for TV" boob shots, butt grabs and gyrating "do me" hip thrusts.
Guys, this site is almost 1 year old!! It was live during last year's March Madness.
Why is this being posted now? This site, and its counterpart have both been live for well over a year. This is extremely old news.
Why is this being posted now? This site, and its counterpart have both been live for well over a year. This is extremely old news.
We're not all perfect. And every item we publish isn't only two seconds old. I thought it was interesting enough to share. If you don't like it, there's plenty of other crap here to read.
If you like this site, check out http://www.whenyoustink.com.
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