Zugara Is A Very Busy Interactive Shop

LA-based interactive shop Zugara has always come up with some pretty decent online environments as it were and lately has been quite busy continuing in that direction. Recently, they've done some work for Reebok and the NFL. Their RBK NFL Draft site features insight and thoughts from NFL Pro Athletes on the draft itself, anticipation of being called to the podium and how their life changed once they were drafted. For Playstation, Zugara created the Syphon Filter site which allows people to take part in Playstation's Dark Mirror storyline by investigating the mysterious KenSymth corporation. After taking part in a mission, they'll be led to spoofish sites where further information can be found and investigated to unlock further missions and content on the site.
Also for Playstation, the agency created the Tourist Trophy site which features information found within the game. Visitors can get site updates and news via RSS feeds, check out tracks and all bikes and user pre-created banners to place on sites like MySpace, Facebook, etc. On the non-profit side of things, Zugara launched the Re-Mission.net site and community for Hopelab which is an organization that does work to improve the health and quality of life of young people with chronic illness. The Re-Mission.net site was created as a community area for children and adults living with cancer and the game portion of the site features a promotional end for the interactive game tutorial called Re-Mission.
Sweat shop , working with off shore places
Openly copying work and puting a front look on top of someone else's work
Run by interns and developers come and go in packs
I agree I worked there and had me work like a dog and kicked me out and sent my work to india
I heard about them as well , I think they did not paid off some clients in India and were sued last year, I would go with any other company in Los Angeles.
Well we did some work with them for Reebok. Every thing was largely delayed or incomplete. Now we are dealing with another local company and , we had reduced delays by 80%
Well we did some work with them for Reebok. Every thing was largely delayed or incomplete. Now we are dealing with another local company and , we had reduced delays by 80%