Marmite, Mammaries Make Mess

While FishNChimps claims this is a new viral from Marmite, we could swear we've seen this poor mother before. Since we can't remember anything past today, we consulted the always reliable Adrants archive, didn't find it so, of course, we are, in fact, deeming this new. Maybe we're just suffering some sort of deja vu or maybe it really is new. Enough of that. The spot features a new mom sitting in her dark kitchen eating a piece of Marmite covered toast while nursing her baby. Suddenly, the baby has a problem. I big problem. A problem that, because this baby is breast feeding, thereby sucking down the very same nutrients mom's putting in her mouth, makes us wonder if eating Marmite is actually a good thing.
You won't have seen this one before as Marmite has only just, and to the disappointment of all, switched to the new 'squeezy' bottle.