Strumpette Stirs Catfight, CFO Embezzles And Kills Himself


- This just isn't worth mentioning but it involves a catfight and breasts, two things this publication can't seem to ignore. Our apologies in advance.

- Some train stations to to great lengths to keep their stations clean and they want everyone to know about it.

- We swore we'd never again mention a million dollar homepage but this one is a bit different. It;s selling space on the side of a building. Oh wait. Not an actual building. Just pixels on an image of a building. OK. Sorry. It's just the same old crap with new clothes on.

- It's a pretty good bet Nike wishes this guy was wearing a different shirt.

- From time to time, we all hear those stories about upper management embezzling funds. Mack Simpson has recrafted a story he told us back in 2003 about a CFO at the company who worked for who shot himself after stealing $6.5 million dollars. It's an unfortunate story worth revisiting.

- Sometimes ads are so incredibly bad, there's actually good. This may or may not be one of those times.

- CoBRANDiT has summed up the recent Word of Mouth Marketing conference with a collection of video interviews which include Robert Scoble, Pete Blackshaw and other agency honchos.

by Steve Hall    Jun-26-06   Click to Comment   
Topic: Agencies, Outdoor, Word of Mouth   

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That Spaloo spot looks like it was filmed in the studio's offices. They couldn't find something more suggestive of a convent? My suggestion: if you're selling a toilet with an orgasmic nun, you might as well do a cheap green screen with convent effects.

Posted by: Pat Smith on June 26, 2006 2:38 PM


Posted by: PADRAIG on June 26, 2006 2:41 PM

I think the ad is funny!

Posted by: bruce on August 1, 2006 9:55 AM