Video Gets Brokeback Mountain-Style Fist Bump


It just doesn't stop. No matter what we do, the fist bump fest just will not leave the building. Not to mention those Brokeback Mountain Parodies Here's yet another spoof of the agency's Subway Pitch Video called Douchebag Mountain that mashes up Brokeback with the boys from We don't know what all this will accomplish for or what harm will befall them but we do know this whole thing is officially a viral. We also know people in this insecure industry love to one up themselves by beating the shit out of their competition whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (7)     File: Agencies, Online, Spoofs, Strange, Video, Viral     Aug- 3-06  
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But has more balls ball factory. When I do a viral, I'm calling "Lance."

Posted by: I-dont-know-about-you on August 3, 2006 10:03 PM

The sound of one hand clapping is deafening. search me where the buzz is going in the narrow bandwidth of adporn.

Posted by: C�mk�k on August 4, 2006 09:07 AM

Actually better than Brokeback Mountain.

With the exception of Anne Hathaway's tits.

Posted by: tom lout on August 4, 2006 11:03 AM

That was pretty funny, but I hope it's the last word on those dicks. Let them die in obscurity. If I learn that they got the Subway account, or if I learn that that WAS the Subway account, I swear to fck I will never eat another goddamned Subway sandwich again as long as I fcking live.

Posted by: tom on August 6, 2006 02:27 AM's approbation of the youtube posted "Subway Pitch Video" confirms with its imprimatur.
today's feature story---cupidus viri fevorum.

Posted by: dag on August 7, 2006 07:11 AM

hilarious, more please! and who knows, may yet get the account. wouldn't that be sweet. at this point they've sort of earned it.

Posted by: veedub on August 7, 2006 09:16 AM

hilarious, more please! and who knows, may yet get the account. wouldn't that be sweet. at this point they've sort of earned it.

Posted by: veedub on August 7, 2006 09:17 AM

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