Amanda Congdon Video Blogs Her Way Across America For Ford
Sponsored by the NRDC, the Environmental Countdown and Ford, former Rocketboomer Amanda Congdon is heading across America on a five week road trip in a hybrid vehicle for a project called Amanda Across America. On a blog and in videos, she'll document her trip and meetings she'll have with other bloggers, politicians and environmentalists along the way. Looking like a Loneleygirl15 spoof (intentionally), Amanda kicks off her trip with a video taken in her "Connecticut bedroom" in which she displays exuberant excitement usually reserve for, well, loneleygirl15 videos.
Anyway, Gawker wonders about the whole thing, writing, "Is she really passionate about driving cross-country on some environmentalist-sponsored road trip that landed her in Good magazine? Or is she relatively unemployed and desperate for the world not to forget that she's got a decent rack?" We think the latter but we're not going to say that because she might hang up on us like she did the radio DJ who tried to tell her she was hot.
Tags: Amanda Congdon Ford
I guess she's hot for a blogger. But can't stand up to ladies in the "off-line" world.
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