Kids Say 'No Stank You' in Anti-Smoking Campaign

"You Stank!" Or rather, "No Stank You!" is the rallying cry in a Washington State Health Department ant-smoking campaign that focuses on the negative social and cosmetic aspects of smoking. With lots of weird videos, interviews, TV spots, radio spots and a huge collection of downloadable, spreadable messages, the campaign is way more fun that the TRUTH campaign by far. Scare tactics ain't everything my friends. This one works.
by Steve Hall
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Topic: Best, Campaigns, Commercials, Online, Radio, Television, Video
Topic: Best, Campaigns, Commercials, Online, Radio, Television, Video
Pretty unfriendly to Mac with Firefox or Safari.
Actually, it works just fine in firebox and Safari on the just need Flash 8.
Actually, it works just fine in firebox and Safari on the just need Flash 8.
a bit like Kitcatt Nohr's award-winning poster and DM campaign for the UK's Department of Health at the beginning of the year: "Minging teeth" which focused on the cosmetic aspects of smoking... and a bit like Abbott Mead Vickers' TV spots as part of the same campaign... so another (great) idea nicked, but this time done like it cost $3. Shermans, always taking something good and fucking it up eh?