Wii's Little Japanese Evangelists Would Like to Play


Here's a weird ad in which Japanese businessmen travel around what looks like the MidWest to share Nintendo Wii with families, transients and college students. "Wii ... would like to play," one says with an impish smile that's almost a twitch.

The pair bow low and suddenly people's lives are changed - white control in hand they're bowling, running, jumping, even lassoing - essentially everything they could do anyway if only they'd pick their asses up off the couch and leave the house for a few hours.

But no. They'll probably all get Wii'd instead. Oh, haha. We made a funny. Get it? Wii'd? You get it, right? There's a promising commercial in there somewhere. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (0)     File: Commercials, Online, Strange, Television     Nov-25-06  
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