Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Becomes Charity Promotion


Either Kevin Bacon has a great sense of humor or he finally got sick of the whole "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" and decided to cash in. Adland received a promotional email from "Kevin Bacon" promoting a program called Six Degrees which "makes it easy for you to raise awareness and support for a charity that's important to you." The email urges recipients to make their own Six Degrees AIM page to highlight charity an individual is interested in and promises to help the individual raise money for that charity. It's a social networking play that's a nod to the "six degrees of separation" thing that was, itself, social networking before it was called social networking.

As Adland properly states, the choice of Kevin Bacon is the "best choice of celebrity spokesperson for 2007." We'd have to agree.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (3)     File: Celebrity, Good, Online, Social     Jan-25-07  


IS this still fun if you already only one degree from Mr. Bacon?

Posted by: USELESS MAN on January 25, 2007 02:27 PM

I'm very into social networking and am currently fund raising for an MS Walk I'll be participating in in April.

While this site seems wonderful, I was disappointed that there is no way to add a charity.

I created a badge but I'd like it to link to my MS Walk fund raising page, not just a general fund raising page.

Posted by: Danielle on January 29, 2007 12:15 AM

I did it at
I think it's a good idea. The contest for matching funds is for the most donations and not the highest amount of money. I wonder why ten people giving ten dollars is better than one person giving one hundred. I just wonder why.

Posted by: Jennifer on February 16, 2007 04:24 AM

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