Cricket Cups, Z100 CGMs, R2D2 Mails, Turner Grinds, Viral A Fad

- George Parker says close-minded American marketers who buy into the ill-named American sport playoffs which assume America is the world should check out Cricket World Cup which, like football (the kind known to the rest of the world and not Americans), offers a chance to connect with fans the world over.
- New York's Z100 goes all consumer-generated with a new promotion that asks listeners to submit billboard and TV ideas which, if they win, will be shown in Times Square and aired on TV.
- New U.S. Post Office stamps get promoted with RD D2 mail box wraps.
- Cynopsis reports, "Turner's broadband network built a custom home page to promote the release of Grindhouse , a double theatrical feature directed by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez coming April 6 from Dimension Films. The site will feature video trailers, behind-the-scenes footage, fan blogs and downloads of exclusive content from the films."
- A recent MediaPost survey found fifty percent of its readers think viral marketing is a fad.
- There's a bitch slapping contest going on in PR land between PR heavy Jack O'Dwyer and Public Relations Society of America President Bill Murray.