Mountain Dew Gets All Tatted Out with Sexy New Bottles

How much do you love your carbonated sperm-killing cola of choice?
Enough to turn it into body art? Mountain Dew and agency Seed Gives Life hope so.
By implication, anyway. A new campaign called Green Label Art is promoting a series of limited-edition Mountain Dew bottles, inspired by tat culture. See video.
Rumour has it a local burger joint whose name escapes us conducted a campaign in which people were invited to tattoo their logo somewhere on their bodies in exchange for free food for life. In just a few months so many people called the bluff that the campaign had to end.
Sucks for those who didn't cash in. Well, a memory's worth a thousand ice-breaking conversations, isn't it?
by Angela Natividad
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Topic: Campaigns, Online, Packaging, Trends and Culture
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Packaging, Trends and Culture