Forget the Jetpacks - RAY GUNS Have Finally Arrived

For Weta Workshops, which makes action figures and other collectible props for movies and stuff, New Zealand's Touch/Case Next gives us SteamPunk ray guns.
And best of all, the ray guns are real (if not really deadly, at least really for sale). Models like the ManMelter 3600ZX and the FMOM INDUSTRIES Wave Disrupter are "constructed from metal with some glass parts," and only 500 of each is being manufactured.
Tell us that doesn't bring your lawn dart-loving '80s baby out to play, and we will glower at you in disdain.
For our own purposes, the Goliathon 83 dissolves seven-ninths of an elephant in 10 earth seconds. We could really use that kind of power whilst standing in line at the post office.
by Angela Natividad
Jun- 6-07
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Topic: Campaigns, Online, Packaging, Promotions, Strange
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Packaging, Promotions, Strange
Thanks for posting this guys, but just wanted to point out a wee typo in our agency name - we're TOUCH/CAST NEXT, not Touch/Case Next.
Thanks again!